Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Friday and Saturday

So the past few days have been decent. Friday saw us having a relaxing day, going into town around 10am to run some errands ie. picking up some last minute things for the Canada vs All Blacks game on Sunday. We also played touch rugby again, with more Canadians this time, which was fun, though a bit more competitive. Afterwards, we headed to The Establishment for a beer with our new friends, then to the grocery store to buy some chicken and celary for the stir fry we were going to make for dinner. We got home around 7:30ish, having a late supper, though a good one. It was to bed earlyish that night, I tried to figure out my iPhone business, but alas, I got too frustrated, and gave up around 11.

Saturday morning, we went into town early because the All Blacks, or some of them, were going to be at a Telecom shop. Telecom is a communications company, I think one of the biggest ones in New Zealand. Anywho, so we got there and waited in line for about an hourish, during which time, Telecom employees came down the line asking for two females to do a push up contest. Hilary and I of coure volunteered, and in the end we both got a black Telecom/All Blacks beanie! Saweet! So after that, we just went back to Simon's to get our costumes for the Canada vs NZ game ready; some components needed shapes drawn and painted in. We got home and internetted a little bit, I tried to get my iPhone figured out, but alas no dice, then worked solidly on the awesomeness that was to become our outfits for the next day's game. Saturday's game started at 6:30pm, so we showed up around 5:30ish. I ended up sitting beside, again, a really attractive Kiwi fellow, and a couple of his friends. He made me laugh, and actually explained the rules of cricket to me once it was clear that Tonga was going to win (also, he referenced quidditch while doing so, I gave him a high five). I got pretty drunk during the game, and after Kiwi Sam invited me to a couple house parties, but alas he went one way in the crowd and I went another to find Hilary and Ann, so I am not so sure I shall see him again. Sigh.

Ah well, Ann had met up with Roxy, a fellow player from PG, and we all walked to the bar together. Em phoned me along the way, which was very great to talk to her, on Ann's cell phone- speaking of phones, Roxy mentioned calling Rogers and getting them to unlock my iPhone for me! It was a pretty tame night, we called 'er in to take the 11:30 bus back to Simons in order to save ourselves for the sure awesome that was to be the next night. So mote it was.

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